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Relationship Articles
The Price of Distraction
A distracted mind often leads to an absent heart. What’s in the way of being more connected with those around us?
The 7 Pillars of Consciously Healthy Relationships
What are the crucial elements to creating relationships that are joyful, healthy, and meaningful for everyone involved.
Empowering Your Needs, Wants and Desires
Being clear whether something is a need, want, or desire makes it easier to get what we want.
The Dance of Conscious Relationship
The best relationships are those where partners dance as equals with presence and awareness.
The Graceful Return To Love & Relationship
How can we gracefully allow love back in after difficult experiences and heartbreak?
From Relationship to Friendship
The most tragic aspect of modern relationships is the emphasis on all or nothing. What if there’s another way?
The Illusion of Normal
What do we lose when we’re told how to be, how to act, and how to be like everyone else?
The Art of Responsible Vulnerability
Why are we are afraid of revealing more of ourselves, when it’s also what we most deeply desire?
Speaking Your Truth with Certainty and Confidence
Have you ever said yes when you meant no? Or went along with something because you didn’t want to upset anyone? I know I have.
The Challenge of Change
It’s all too easy to assume and guess someone else’s experience. How can we avoid this pitfall and create more connection instead?
Tired of Having To Figure It Out
All On Your Own?