Welcome To My Happy Place!
Here you’ll find a collection of my most useful articles, current offerings, and ways we could work together. .
Whether it’s helping you Speak Your Truth, embrace the Dance of Conscious Relationship, or Empower Your Needs, Wants, and Desires, there are lots of important topics to dive into and explore. Here are some highlights to get you started:
- The Art of Responsible Vulnerability
- Evolving Our Desire For Intimacy & Connection
- The 7 Pillars of Healthy, Heartful Relationships
- The 3 Practical Aspects of Integrated Embodiment
- Life Lessons Learned by Rocking a Mohawk
I work with emerging leaders who are awakening to their authentic selves and seek to embody heart-centered, present, and potent leadership. Let’s seek passion, purpose, and vision together as we embrace new paradigms of leadership and what it means to Be together.
Finding Our Way…
Justin’s work has been is deeply involved in human development for over a decade and he knows first hand the windy roads we walk in today’s modern world.
Having been trained and mentored by some of the top teachers in conscious connection, mindfulness practices, embodied living, and masculine empowerment (aka man stuff), he bring a unique blend of accessible tools, magic, and experience to people who are awakening to new paradigms of relationship, collective evolution, and heart-led leadership.
Justin is passionate about helping people live abundant and empowered lives and have been integral in starting a number of groups and communities in a number of countries. He holds a vision of a world where we are empowered to create lives of deep connection, authenticity, and joy, in and outside of the boardroom, bedroom, and beyond.
Through his Instagram and Newsletter, Justin offers practical, grounded articles, videos, and events focused on the finer points of modern day relationships, living with heart-full purpose, and empowering our path towards new collective paradigms of live, love, and soulful connection.

Harnessing Inner Wisdom
Introduce the practice of inner dialogue into your daily routine to enrich your decision-making skills, differentiate between momentary pleasures and long-lasting joys, and cultivate a more authentic life.
The Fruits of Platonic Intimacy
Redefine intimacy beyond romantic or sexual contexts. Discover how platonic connections build stronger communities and foster emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
The Skill of Empathy
Discover Active Empathy as a tool for impactful leadership. Learn how to navigate your emotions, while offering grounded support to others.
Reconnecting To Our Body Wisdom
It seems an understatement to say the human body is complex. How can we tap into and honor its full potential and wisdom?
The Price of Distraction
A distracted mind often leads to an absent heart. What’s in the way of being more connected with those around us?
Five Life Lessons From Rocking A Mohawk
People Are Going to Judge, No Matter How Short, Long, or High Your Hair Is. Five life lessons I learned during my time rocking a Mohawk.